1.  MARINERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED that, the following amendments will be made to the next issue of Port Guidelines

2.  Control Depths for Swinging off Valero, to be amended to vessels over 260m LOA = 9.2 metres. and for vessel under 260m = 11.0 metres

3.  When a vessel over 260m is using the Valero Swinging ground either sailing or arrival from berths East of Newton Noyes, then bunkering via barge is not to take place on Valero berths 1 or 6.

4.  When a vessel over 300m LOA is moored on Valero berth 6, then vessels are requested to pass at maximum of 6kts

5.  For further details please contact Milford Haven VTS on:

            i. VHF channel 12
           ii. Telephone 01646 696100
          iii. Email vts@mhpa.co.uk

6.  Admiralty Charts 3273, 3274, Imray Y26 & 2600 ATLAS refer.

7.  This Notice will be cancelled when Port Guidelines is updated.


Port of Milford Haven
Gorsewood Drive
Milford Haven
SA73 3EP

Tel: 01646 696100
Email: enquiries@mhpa.co.uk