We are committed to openness, transparency and sharing information where it is appropriate, while maintaining the confidentiality of personal information relating to employees and customers.
Where possible, we will deal with requests for information informally and in the course of normal business. However, there will be circumstances in which either you or we consider that a request for information should be dealt with under the information access legislation. The following information, particularly in relation to rights of access, is intended to help you make a formal information request to us.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018
GDPR establishes a framework of rights and duties designed to safeguard personal information. The rights include that of an individual to request from a “data controller” (such as the Milford Haven Port Authority trading as the Port of Milford Haven) a copy of the personal information held about them. This right of access is subject to a number of exemptions.
Learn more about the Information Commissioner's Office
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
The FOIA provides the public with a general right of access to official information held by public authorities. It also sets out a number of exemptions from the right to know. It is important to note that the FOIA does not apply to the Port of Milford Haven nor any trust port in England and Wales.
Complaints in relation to our handling of information requests should be submitted using our Feedback process. If, at any stage, you are not content with our handling of your request, you may complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). However, the ICO expects the local feedback procedure to be used in the first instance.

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Your Feedback
We will always try to resolve any issues swiftly and aim to deal with all feedback effectively and courteously.