Achieving the highest standard possible on matters relating to health, safety, security and the environment continues to be our utmost priority.
Always learning
We regularly carry out exercises to ensure our response to pollution, safety and security incidents are tested and refined.
As well as in-house training we also work on multi-agency exercises with partners including the oil and gas terminals, emergency services and local and national government agencies.

Keeping our people safe
Many of our people operate in complex and challenging environments, so safety is our first thought in everything we do. We have adopted four important safety habits that bring personal accountability to the front of people’s minds:
Every employee is an active safety citizen.
Every meeting starts with a safety moment to reflect and share best practice, including impacts on mental health and wellbeing.
Every employee is empowered, and duty bound to issue ‘Stop Work’ instructions.
Every employee is empowered, and duty bound to submit Near Miss reports.

Security at the Port
Security within the Port area is covered through the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS).
This requires terminals and other organisations to develop and maintain security plans that are approved by the Department for Transport Maritime Security team.

Explore Our Health and Safety Culture Video
Building a Foundation of Safety: Cultivating a Culture of Health and Well-being in the Workplace.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. We continue to comply, so far as is reasonably practicable, with the Port Marine Safety Code. This is a national standard that applies to all harbour authorities. The key requirements are to conduct risk assessments, implement a formal safety management system, employ properly qualified marine personnel and ensure that sufficient powers and resources are provided to manage the harbour safely.
In meeting our obligations under the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC) we have appointed a ‘Designated Person’ who maintains a right of direct access to the Board. Their role is to:
- Provide independent assurance to the Board, as ‘Duty Holder’, that an effective and appropriate Marine Safety Management System is in place.
- Provide the Board with independent and professional advice regarding overall compliance with the requirements of the PMSC.
Our Designated Person is Monty Smedley BSc. He can be contacted at:
Designated Person (PMSC)
Milford Haven Port Authority
Quayside Suite
Medina Chambers
Town Quay
Southampton SO14 2AQ
Tel: 023 8071 1892 or 023 8071 1889
Find out more about the Port Marine Safety Code.
Our Port Integrated Management System (PIMS) sets out the roles and responsibilities of key staff, and outlines management procedures and work instructions designed to standardise tasks and reduce risk and drive continual improvement and excellence of our safety performance. It is internally and externally audited.
We also use an Assurance Framework for the management of risk. Concerns and incidents can be reported using an Event Report form, which formally enter the Assurance Framework. Once submitted there is a process for dealing and responding to such matters.
In short, yes. Since 2000, statutory reportable accidents in ports have reduced by 60% and have become safer but nobody thinks that the job is done. Our industry has made huge progress but is on a plateau. It is essential we work together to deliver a shared strategy to get us off this plateau and we confirm our support for the Port Industry Health & Safety Sector Plan and the shared vision to continue to raise standards.
Safety is our primary core value and is at the heart of everything we do. The Health & Safety Sector Plan provides a means of:
- Voluntarily and proactively demonstrating to stakeholders, such as the HSE, that our industry is meeting its duties and has the expertise and drive to deliver continuous improvement.
- Setting and measuring industry targets
- Better understanding where and how to take new improvement action.
Security within the Port area is covered through the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS). We develop and maintain security plans that are approved by the Department for Transport Maritime Security team. These plans are tested and reviewed on a regular basis.

Stay safe afloat
Find out how to stay safe while enjoying activities on the Milford Haven Waterway.
Protecting the Milford Haven Waterway's environment is one of our duties.