MARINERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED that, a geotechnical survey is due to be undertaken by the Survey Vessel “VOE VANGUARD” between 21st April 2023 for a period of 20 days.
1. MARINERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED that, a geotechnical survey is due to be undertaken by the Survey Vessel “VOE VANGUARD” between 21st April 2023 for a period of 20 days. The Survey is within the East Channel from area around West Angle Bay, out towards the Pilot Station and then offshore, see chart here. There are various survey points along the route which the vessel will remain stationary at each point for a period and will confirm with Milford Haven VTS prior to moving to next survey location.
2. During the survey campaign, the vessel will have restricted ability to manoeuvre and therefore other vessels are requested to maintain 100m and keep wash to a minimum where practicable.
3. The VOE VANGAURD will be showing the appropriate day shapes and lights as laid down in the regulations and will maintain a listening watch on VHF channels 12 and 16 during operations.
4. Particular Attention to be paid when working in an area within 1nm of the Pilot Station or 1nm of Talbot Bank Buoy. When a large vessel is expected to embark or disembark a pilot or Escort Tugs, then the VOE VANGUARD will be instructed to keep clear of an area, 1nm from the Pilot Station and 1nm from Talbot bank and be prepared to keep East of a line between Mid Channel Rock Beacon and Talbot Bank Buoy.
5. Mariners are required to navigate with caution in these areas whilst survey vessel is in operation.
6. For details of the whereabouts of this vessel whilst within port limits, please contact Milford Haven VTS on:
i. VHF channel 12
ii. Telephone 01646 696137
iii. Fax 01646 696110
iv. Email
7. Admiralty chart 2878 (Approaches), 3273 (Entrance), 3274 (West Haven), 3275 (East Haven), and Imray Y26 & 2600 ATLAS refer.
8. This Notice will be cancelled when survey operations have been completed.
Port of Milford Haven
Gorsewood Drive
Milford Haven
SA73 3EP
Tel: 01646 696100