(Left-right) Chief Executive Alec Don with Sian Thomas, Harriet Sleight and Ben PepperFour students from Pembrokeshire have spent three weeks completing work placements and gaining an insight into the wide range of activities undertaken at the Port of Milford Haven.

Harriet Sleight from Lamphey, Claudia Belli from Tenby, Sian Thomas from Haverfordwest and Benjamin Pepper from Fishguard were awarded scholarships worth £1,500 earlier this year after impressing the judging panel with their academic and extra curricular achievements.

Harriet is studying Environmental Science at Lancaster University and worked on carbon footprint assessments; Claudia has just completed her final year at the University of Exeter studying Geography and was based within the PR department researching town regeneration schemes; Sian graduated during the placement with a City and Regional Planning degree from Cardiff University and spent time looking at tender processes; and Ben, who is studying Physics at Imperial College London, completed a project on port pricing.

Commenting on the placement, Claudia said “The three weeks I spent at the Port of Milford Haven provided me with an insightful and all-encompassing experience. From the interview stage through to being situated in a professional workplace environment I have been provided with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired throughout my studies. Furthermore, this invaluable experience has both enhanced my self-developmental skills as well as my future career prospects.”

Alec Don, Chief Executive at the Port, said “Our staff always look forward to welcoming the winners of our annual Scholarship Scheme. The students fully integrated themselves into working life and produced some excellent presentations based on their project work. The financial contribution the students receive is undoubtedly of great benefit, but the placement enables the students to add value to their CVs and make them stand out from the crowd as they move forward with their careers. We wish them every success for the future.”

The 2017/18 Scholarship Scheme will be launched online in the autumn at www.mhpa.co.uk/scholarships


Photo: (Left-right) Chief Executive Alec Don with Sian Thomas, Harriet Sleight and Ben Pepper


Notes to Editors

Port of Milford Haven

The Port of Milford Haven is the UK’s top energy port and Wales’ busiest port handling around 20% of Britain’s seaborne trade in oil and gas.  It is widely recognised in the industry as the energy capital of the UK.

The Port, along with the cluster of energy-related businesses along the Waterway, is a key driver of economic activity in Pembrokeshire, attracting inward investment and supporting over 4,000 jobs.

The Port of Milford Haven also owns and operates Pembroke Port and Milford Dock.  Activities such as cargo handling, ferry operations, fish landing and cruise calls as well as a first class marina are spread across these two sites.

One of the most prominent on the West Coast, the Port is in the heart of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, the only Coastal National Park in Great Britain. It is marked as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and has many areas designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

The Port of Milford Haven is a trust port – an independent, commercially run organisation that has statutory responsibilities governed by its Acts, to maintain and improve navigation and the provision of Port and Harbour services and facilities.  Additionally, the Port provides significant financial and in-kind support to a wide variety of local causes.  All profits are retained within the business to fund these objectives.

For further information, visit www.mhpa.co.uk or contact:
Anna Malloy
Port of Milford Haven
01646 696100