In Force
Annual Standing Notice No 27
Entrance Buoys Lights Unreliable in Rough Weather
During bad weather the East and West Channel entrance buoys may appear to be unreliable.
In Force
Annual Standing Notice No 26
Pilot Boarding
Pilot Boarding Arrangements - All vessels are expected to comply with latest SOLAS Regulations, IMO Conventions and ISO Standards.
In Force
Annual Standing Notice No 25
Narrow Channels
The Milford Haven Waterway is defined as a “Narrow Channel” under the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS).
In Force
Annual Standing Notice No 24
Policy on the Use of Open-Loop Exhaust Scrubbers
Please note MHPA policy on the prohibition of discharge of exhaust gas scrubber wash water which applies to all vessels within the MHPA j...
In Force
Annual Standing Notice No 23
Obstructing the Fairway
No vessel, unless confined to a channel by reason of its draft, shall obstruct another vessel that is confined to the channel. Large ves...
In Force
Annual Standing Notice No 22
Weighted Heaving Lines
The practice of weighting heaving lines with infills of metal and like objects poses a significant risk of injury and is not acceptable i...
In Force
Annual Standing Notice No 21
Letting Go Tug Lines
It is a requirement in Milford Haven that tug lines are let go from the ship in a seamanlike manner.
In Force
Annual Standing Notice No 20
Controlled and Exclusion Zones
Certain specified vessels whilst navigating within the jurisdiction of the Port may be allocated controlled or exclusion zones.
In Force
Annual Standing Notice No 19
Message Markers
Milford Haven VTS will use Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) message markers when in communication with vessels transiting wit...
In Force
Annual Standing Notice No 18
Hazards to Navigation
Lost fishing nets pose a hazard to navigation for Haven users, specifically for large vessels by becoming entangled in bowthrusters and, ...

You can listen into VTS safety broadcasts on VHF radio channels 12 & 14, weekdays and weekends.

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