META will be deploying a metocean buoy within their test area at Criterion Quay for approximately six months
1. MARINERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED that, on or about Tuesday 12th September 2023, META will be deploying a metocean buoy within their test area at Criterion Quay, in approximate position 51o 41.98’ N 004o 56.67’ W.
2. The equipment deployed comprises of a small yellow conical buoy (Fl.Am). This is attached to an unlit yellow special mark with a cross topmark by a 5m line that is kept below the surface with sinker weights (see diagram):
3. It is intended for the test equipment to remain in situ for approximately 6 months therefore mariners should navigate with caution, giving these buoys a wide berth and special regard should be taken not to pass between the buoys due to the risk of becoming fouled on the submerged line.
4. This Notice will be cancelled when it is removed.
5. Admiralty chart 3274 and IMRAY Y26 and 2600 Atlas refer.