Oil Spill Pollution exercise training of NOFI Boom deployment on 30th April 2024. 09:15–13:00 commencing from the Valero Pontoon.

  1. MARINERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED that, Valero Refinery Oil Spill Response Boom deployment training exercise will be taking place on the Milford Haven Waterway on Tuesday 30th April 2024.
  2. The NOFI quick deployment boom, stored on the Valero Pontoon adjacent to Berth 4, will be deployed by a Svitzer ‘T’ Lineboat at approx. 09:15hrs from the Valero Pontoon with the boom being deployed and towed for exercise in the area off the Outfall Buoy, Pennar Beacon, Wear Spit and Carr Jetty before being taken ashore at Pembroke Dock slipway. The fast response craft Dynevor will also attend the exercise, which is expected to last until around 13:00hrs.
  3. Mariners are required to navigate with caution in the area, passing at minimum safe speed and giving a wide berth when possible.
  4. Latest information on the location of the exercise may be obtained from Milford Haven VTS: VHF Ch12, Tel: 01646696136/7, Email: VTS@mhpa.co.uk.
  5. Admiralty charts 3274, 3275, and Imray Y26 & 2600 ATLAS refer.
  6. Additional shore-based training will be taking place at Port of Pembroke Carr Jetty area later that morning.
  7. This notice will self cancel at 2359 on Tuesday 30th April 2024.