Risk of Glint and Glare from the Dragon Solar Meadow when transiting certain areas of the Haven between Thorn Rock and Milford Shelf during the months of March (and September).

  1. MARINERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED that, during the month of March (and September) there is a risk, on certain clear bright mornings between 0600 and 0630 GMT of experiencing glint or glare thrown up from the Dragon LNG Solar Park Meadow located close east of the Newton Noyes Leading Lights.
  2. Mariners are requested to navigate with caution using all available means and be prepared to possibly experience glint or glare effecting visibility of the daymarks / lights at this time and at the locations highlighted in the below chartlet.
  3. Enhanced illumination of the Newton Noyes Leading Lights is available on demand from Milford Haven VTS, who can be contacted preferably on VHF Ch 12 or if necessary, on 01646 696136/7.
  4. Admiralty chart 3274 and 3275 and Imray Y26 & 2600 ATLAS refer.
  5. If Glint and Glare is experienced from the Solar Meadow we request, if possible, a brief email to enquiries@mhpa.co.uk with an approx. location, date & time, height of eye and if available a photo of the solar park at that time.
  6. This notice will self-cancel at 2359 on 31st March 2025.


Areas (marked in Orange) where Glint and Glare from the Dragon LNG Solar Meadow (marked in pink) may possibly be experienced in March and September at around 0600 – 0630 GMT on clear sunny mornings.


Port of Milford Haven
Gorsewood Drive
Milford Haven
SA73 3EP

Tel: 01646 696100
Email: enquiries@mhpa.co.uk