Wave / Weather Data Buoys deployed near Mid Channel Rock Beacon and Turbot Bank.
1. MARINERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED that, wave / weather data buoys have been deployed by the port authority in positions in close proximity to Mid Channel Rock Beacon and Turbot Bank until further notice (see chartlet below showing approx position of both Waverider Buoys).
2. The units are DWR Waverider Buoys and are small (0.9mtrs) surface deployed yellow markers with antenna protruding from the top that are anchored to the seabed (see photo below showing Waverider Data Buoy).
3.They are unmarked but yellow in colour and lit with a flash 5 yellow every 20 seconds light with a 4nm range.
4. The Wave /Weather Buoys are secured on station using a chain mooring with a single riser.
5. Mid Channel Rock Waverider Buoy is in posn 51° 40.206’N 005° 09.963’W.
6. Turbot Bank Waverider Buoy is in posn 51° 37.300’N 005° 09.390’W.
7. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in these areas.
8. Admiralty charts 2878, 3273, 3274 and Imray Y26 & 2600 ATLAS refer.