RAMPS Skatepark will return for Under The Bridge this summerDJ workshops, skating, graffiti art and film making are just some of the free weekly activities that will be on offer this summer at Milford Waterfront. The award-winning Under The Bridge project is back on Friday nights for six weeks, starting tonight (26th July).

This will be the fourth year the Port of Milford Haven has run the project in collaboration with Milford Youth Matters, with the aim of tackling anti-social behaviour by providing engaging activities for 11-17 year olds in a safe environment.

Between 6.30-8.30pm the following events will take place under Hakin Bridge:

- Friday 26th July- RAMPS Skatepark, big banner art and circus equipment, DJ-ing by Toby Ellis
- Friday 2nd August- Total Wipeout inflatable game, Lloyd the graffiti artist, stone art from Sculpt the World, circus equipment, DJ-ing by Toby Ellis
- Friday 9th August- RAMPS Skatepark, special effects make-up by Gabrielle Swales, mini art canvas and circus equipment, DJ-ing by Toby Ellis
- Friday 16th August- Total Wipeout inflatable game, Lloyd the graffiti artist, pavement art, Junk to Funk circus equipment, DJ-ing by Toby Ellis
- Friday 23rd August- RAMPS Skatepark, sculpture by Space to Create, Junk to Funk circus equipment, DJ-ing by Toby Ellis
- Friday 30th August- RAMPS Skatepark, Lloyd the graffiti artist, Andy Davies photography workshop, DJ-ing by Toby Ellis

All of the final artwork will be on display at the Waterfront Gallery from 2nd-13th September.

This year Under The Bridge has received support from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Community Fund which backs projects that have a positive impact on the safety of local communities. The Port and Milford Youth Matters work closely with local PCSOs to engage positively with young people in order to equip them with new skills and the self-confidence they may need to help them achieve their goals.

Anna Malloy, Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Manager, is looking forward to the project starting: “Under The Bridge is back due to popular demand and we have some brand new activities on offer this summer. It’s a great way to keep the kids entertained on a Friday night in a safe environment.”


Photo caption: RAMPS Skatepark will return for Under The Bridge this summer

Notes to Editors

Port of Milford Haven

The Port of Milford Haven is the UK’s top energy port and Wales’ busiest port handling around 20% of Britain’s seaborne trade in oil and gas.  It is widely recognised in the industry as the energy capital of the UK.

The Port, along with the cluster of energy-related businesses along the Waterway, is a key driver of economic activity in Pembrokeshire, attracting inward investment and supporting over 4,000 jobs.

The Port of Milford Haven also owns and operates Pembroke Port and Milford Dock.  Activities such as cargo handling, ferry operations, fish landing and cruise calls as well as a first class marina are spread across these two sites.

One of the most prominent on the West Coast, the Port is in the heart of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, the only Coastal National Park in Great Britain. It is marked as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and has many areas designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

The Port of Milford Haven is a trust port – an independent, commercially run organisation that has statutory responsibilities governed by its Acts, to maintain and improve navigation and the provision of Port and Harbour services and facilities.  Additionally, the Port provides significant financial and in-kind support to a wide variety of local causes.  All profits are retained within the business to fund these objectives.

For further information, visit www.mhpa.co.uk or contact:
Sara Aicken
Port of Milford Haven
01646 696100



Gweithdai gyda DJ, sglefrfyrddio, celf graffiti a chynhyrchu ffilmiau yw rhai o’r gweithgareddau wythnosol am ddim a fydd ar gael yr haf hwn ar lannau Aberdaugleddau. Mae prosiect poblogaidd Dan y Bont yn ei ôl bob nos Wener am chwe wythnos, gan ddechrau heno (26 Gorffennaf).

Dyma’r bedwaredd flwyddyn i Borthladd Aberdaugleddau gynnal y prosiect ar y cyd â Milford Youth Matters, gyda’r nod o fynd i’r afael ag ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol drwy ddarparu gweithgareddau difyr i bobl ifanc 11-17 oed mewn amgylchedd diogel.

Cynhelir y digwyddiadau canlynol o dan Bont Hakin rhwng 6.30-8.30pm:

- Gwener 26 Gorffennaf - RAMPS Skatepark, gweithdy ffotograffiaeth Andy Davies, celf baneri mawr ac offer syrcas, gweithdy DJ gyda Toby Ellis
- Gwener 2 Awst - gêm Total Wipeout, Lloyd yr artist graffiti, celf cerrig gan Sculpt the World, offer syrcas, gweithdy DJ gyda Toby Ellis
- Gwener 9 Awst - RAMPS Skatepark, colur effeithiau arbennig gan Gabrielle Swales, celf canfas bach ac offer syrcas, gweithdy DJ gan Toby Ellis
- Gwener 16 Awst - gêm Total Wipeout, Lloyd yr artist graffiti, celf palmant, offer syrcas Junk to Funk, gweithdy DJ gyda Toby Ellis
- Gwener 23 Awst - RAMPS Skatepark, cerflunio gan Space to Create, offer syrca Junk to Funk, gweithdy DJ gyda Toby Ellis
- Gwener 30 Awst - RAMPS Skatepark, Lloyd yr artist graffiti, gweithdy ffotograffiaeth Andy Davies, gweithdy DJ gyda Toby Ellis

Bydd yr holl waith celf terfynol yn cael ei arddangos yn y Waterfront Gallery o 2-13 Medi.

Mae Dan y Bont eleni wedi derbyn cymorth gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu sy’n cefnogi prosiectau sy’n cael effaith gadarnhaol ar ddiogelwch cymunedau lleol. Mae’r Porthladd a Milford Youth Matters yn cydweithio â Swyddogion Cymorth Cymunedol yr Heddlu’n lleol i ymwneud yn gadarnhaol â phobl ifanc er mwyn darparu’r sgiliau newydd a’r hunanhyder a allai fod yn angenrheidiol i’w helpu i gyflawni eu nodau.

Mae Anna Malloy, Rheolwr Ymgysylltu a Chyfathrebu â Rhanddeiliaid, yn edrych ymlaen at y prosiect: “Mae Dan y Bont yn dychwelyd gan ei fod mor boblogaidd ac mae gennym weithgareddau newydd sbon yr haf hwn. Mae’n ffordd wych o ddifyrru plant a phobl ifanc ar nos Wener mewn amgylchedd diogel.”


Llun: Bydd RAMPS Skatepark yn dychwelyd ar gyfer Dan y Bont eleni

Nodiadau i Olygyddion

Porthladd Aberdaugleddau

Porthladd Aberdaugleddau yw prif borthladd ynni y DU a phorthladd prysuraf Cymru, ac mae’n ymdrin â thua 20% o fasnach môr Prydain mewn olew a nwy. Caiff ei gydnabod yn eang yn y diwydiant fel prifddinas ynni’r DU.

Mae’r Porthladd, ynghyd â’r clwstwr o fusnesau cysylltiedig ag ynni ar hyd y Glannau, yn allweddol i sbarduno gweithgarwch economaidd yn Sir Benfro, gan ddenu mewnfuddsoddiad a chefnogi dros 4,000 o swyddi.

Mae Porthladd Aberdaugleddau hefyd yn berchen ar Borthladd Penfro a Doc Aberdaugleddau ac yn eu gweithredu. Mae gweithgareddau fel trafod cargo, gweithrediadau fferi, glanio pysgod ac ymweliadau llongau mordaith a marina o’r radd flaenaf wedi’u gwasgaru dros y ddau safle.

Yn un o’r porthladdoedd amlycaf ar arfordir y Gorllewin, mae’r Porthladd yng nghanol Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro, yr unig Barc Cenedlaethol Arfordirol ym Mhrydain. Mae wedi’i ddynodi’n Ardal Cadwraeth Arbennig (ACA) ac mae’n cynnwys llawer o ardaloedd sydd wedi’u dynodi’n Safleoedd o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig (SoDdGA).

Mae Porthladd Aberdaugleddau yn borthladd ymddiriedolaeth – sefydliad annibynnol, sy’n cael ei redeg yn fasnachol ac sydd â chyfrifoldebau statudol wedi’u llywodraethu gan ei Ddeddfau, i gynnal a gwella mordwyo a darparu gwasanaethau a chyfleusterau Porthladd a Harbwr. Hefyd, mae’r Porthladd yn darparu cymorth ariannol ac mewn da sylweddol i amrywiaeth eang o achosion lleol. Mae’r busnes yn cadw’r holl elw i ariannu’r amcanion hyn.

Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i www.mhpa.co.uk neu cysylltwch ag:
Sara Aicken
Porthladd Aberdaugleddau
01646 696100