The proposed Celtic Freeport is an exciting new project promising an industrial renaissance in south west Wales creating 16,000 new jobs and £5.5bn of new inward investment all based on green energy.

The Welsh and UK Governments will name the successful bidder in the race to host Wales’s first freeport in early 2023.

The Celtic Freeport bid aims to create a green innovation and investment corridor with sites at the ports of Port Talbot and Milford Haven in which clean energy developments, fuel terminals, a power station and hydrogen fuel innovation will thrive.

So here are ten big benefits of the Celtic Freeport

• The creation of 16,000 new high quality, green jobs
• Green Skills opportunities for future generations. From welders to data scientists, these will be well paid, long-term roles underpinned by fair working practices and inclusive workplaces.
• The building of two expanded green energy ports to unlock the £54 billion floating offshore wind (FLOW) industry, from manufacturing, installation and maintenance.
• Giving Wales ‘global first mover’ advantage in this new form of clean, reliable energy with strengthened export and supply chain opportunities.
• Helping re-position the Welsh steel industry by driving forward the development of the vast FLOW opportunity using steel made at Port Talbot.
• Vastly improving the attractiveness of south west Wales and attract £5.5 billion of inward investment in modern, green technologies.
• Decarbonising Wales’ primary industrial cluster and make a major contribution to national net zero carbon emissions targets.
• Boosting innovation in other clean energy technologies such as wave and tidal, hydrogen and other sustainable fuels.
• Enhancing domestic energy supply and security.
• And, importantly, creating a local legacy channel to invest in future skills, innovation and local projects through a dedicated £500 million fund.

The Celtic Freeport is backed by a public-private consortium, whose partners include Associated British Ports, Neath Port Talbot Council, Pembrokeshire County Council and the Port of Milford Haven, alongside many other public, private, academic and social partners. 

Roger Maggs MBE, Chair of the consortium, said: “Together, these key players combine to create a compelling proposition for an integrated, multi-purpose freeport for Wales.  

“The Celtic Freeport consortium also provides access to a huge development footprint, a skilled workforce and a network of local, regional and global partners capable of enabling the rapid growth of the floating offshore wind sector and a flourishing hydrogen economy in Wales.

“This could completely regenerate the economies of south and west Wales and beyond and the prospect of exporting floating wind and other green technologies developed here could add to this transformational effect.”


Notes to Editor:
Celtic Freeport is an exciting project that will unlock the widest possible opportunities for Wales by accelerating innovation and encouraging significant investment, while fast-tracking modern skills for new green industries and national decarbonisation.

A bid consortium consisting of Associated British Ports (ABP), Neath Port Talbot Council, Pembrokeshire County Council and the Port of Milford Haven, supported by many other individuals and organisations, submitted a transformational bid for a freeport in south-west Wales to the Welsh and UK governments on 24 November 2022.

The Celtic Freeport covers two key seaports in south Wales – Milford Haven and Port Talbot – together with strategic industrial complexes and logistics centres, to create a green innovation and investment corridor.
A Celtic Freeport will accelerate significant inward investment in new manufacturing facilities to support the roll-out of floating offshore wind (FLOW) within the Celtic Sea, while providing the backbone for a cleaner future based on the hydrogen economy, sustainable fuels, carbon capture, cleaner steel and low-carbon logistics.

Roger Maggs MBE is the Chair of the Celtic Freeport. He has had a 27-year career at Alcan Aluminum, with several global senior postings, including three vice presidencies. In 1994, he co-founded Celtic House, a Canadian venture capital fund. Most recently, Maggs has been Chair of the Port Talbot Waterfront Enterprise Zone. Roger Maggs was born in Newport and grew up in Carmarthenshire.

Find out more about the Celtic Freeport here: