The community of Pembroke Dock has come together to create a digital legacy celebrating a ground breaking £60 million project happening right in the heart of their community. Work on Pembroke Dock Marine is underway which will see Pembroke Port transformed into a centre of excellence for marine engineering and renewables activity, creating employment opportunities and economic prosperity for the region.
Project partners - the Port of Milford Haven, Marine Energy Wales, Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult and Celtic Sea Power - commissioned the Aloud Charity, which facilitates a range of singing programmes across Wales, to develop a music video featuring local school pupils and members of the community to promote the opportunities being generated in the area and create a sense of pride around the project.
Choir leaders from the Aloud Charity spent two days at Ysgol Harri Tudur delivering song-writing workshops where pupils composed their own verses which were then performed and professionally filmed. The chorus was written by Alex Stacey who is a member of singer and songwriter Amy Wadge’s team. Amy has worked with the likes of Ed Sheeran, James Blunt and Ella Henderson and most recently co-wrote the song ‘Space Man’ which came second in the Eurovision Song Contest.
On the final day of the project, the team met with a range of local groups, businesses and individuals in Pembroke Dock who joined in with the new song and appeared in the music video including volunteers from the West Wales Maritime Heritage Society, Mainstay Marine Solutions and Pembroke Dock Town Council.
Hollie Phillips, Community Engagement Assistant at the Port of Milford Haven, said “This has been a fantastic collaboration from start to finish. We were able to talk to the pupils from Ysgol Harri Tudur about the Pembroke Dock Marine project to help inspire them to write the lyrics and give them information about the developments happening in their town. We hope we’ve sparked some interest in the types of careers that could be available to them right on their doorstep as we play our part in meeting the Country’s Net Zero targets whilst creating local green jobs for future generations.”
Stephen Wyatt, Director of Strategy and Emerging Technology at Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, commented “ORE Catapult are delighted to have supported the Aloud Charity. We take great pride in working with the next generation of scientists, engineers and indeed musicians, and take inspiration from their unwavering commitment to tackle climate change and create a great future in Pembrokeshire and beyond.”

META’s Project Delivery Manager, Tom Hill, said “The future of our success lies with inspiring the next generation. Their skills, talent and passion are what we need to achieve Net Zero. The scale of opportunities and exciting careers for the people of Pembrokeshire and Wales are huge. We hope this video will serve as a rallying call to young minds, building upon their interest and curiosity in marine energy.”
Chief Operations Officer at Celtic Sea Power, Matt Hodson, commented “It will be the next generation who will need to grab hold of and build upon the foundations being laid today to deliver the energy transition and decarbonisation challenge, so it is fantastic to see their passion delivered through this wonderful song. We are excited to be working with our partners in finding ways to raise awareness of Pembroke Dock Marine, capture the imagination of the community and inspire our future workforce.”
In addition to the funding provided by the Pembroke Dock Marine project partners, the song-writing workshops and videos received support from Arts & Business Cymru. Arts Development Manager, Sarah Lord, is delighted with how the partnership developed, commenting “Our CultureStep investment programme is designed to strengthen and develop the relationship between our business and arts partners. The Port of Milford Haven’s collaboration with the Aloud Charity is a fantastic example of this programme, and an ideal opportunity to engage employees, the local community, and the younger generation within Ysgol Harri Tudur, to express their opinions and inspire change for the future, while gaining an increased appreciation of the power of the arts. We at A&B Cymru are thrilled with the music video, all involved should be incredibly proud of the digital legacy which they’ve created.”
The Aloud Charity’s mission is to provide life-changing experiences through song for young people in Wales. Created in 2012 to give underrepresented boys from marginalised Welsh communities the opportunity to sing, the charity now facilitates a range of singing programmes including Only Boys Aloud, Only Kids Aloud and Aloud Girls. The organisation engages with around 350 young people a week in rehearsal venues across Wales, improving their confidence, nurturing talent and offering exciting performance opportunities.
Craig Yates, Creative Director at the Aloud Charity commented “It’s been wonderful to work with the Pembroke Dock Marine partners and Ysgol Harri Tudur to deliver this unique song writing project. We think it’s so important that young people have the opportunity to express their opinions, particularly when it comes to such important topics as environmental sustainability and how they affect their local communities. We are thrilled with the final music video and we’d like to say a big thank you to the people of Pembroke Dock for getting involved with the project.”
Pembroke Dock Marine is funded by the UK Government and Welsh Government through the Swansea Bay City Deal, and through the public and private sectors. It is also part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government.
To view the music video, as well as the behind-the-scenes video, visit
Photo 1: Pupils from Ysgol Harri Tudur performed the song they wrote with guidance from Craig Yates from the Aloud Charity.
Photo 2: The Mayor of Pembroke Dock, Councillor Pamela George, and the local PCSOs enjoyed getting involved in the music video.
Disgyblion ysgol mewn fideo cerddoriaeth i ddathlu dyfodol Doc Penfro ym maes ynni cynaliadwy
Mae cymuned Doc Penfro wedi dod at ei gilydd i greu gwaddol digidol yn dathlu prosiect arloesol gwerth £60 miliwn yng nghalon eu cymuned. Mae’r gwaith ar Farina Doc Penfro yn mynd rhagddo i drawsnewid Porthladd Penfro yn ganolfan ragoriaeth ar gyfer peirianneg forol a gweithgarwch ynni adnewyddadwy, gan greu cyfleoedd cyflogaeth a ffyniant economaidd ar gyfer y rhanbarth.
Comisiynodd partneriaid y prosiect – Porthladd Aberdaugleddau, Ynni Morol Cymru, Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult a Celtic Sea Power – Elusen Aloud, sy’n hwyluso rhaglenni canu amrywiol ledled Cymru, i ddatblygu fideo cerddoriaeth yn cynnwys disgyblion ysgol lleol ac aelodau o’r gymuned i hyrwyddo’r cyfleoedd sy’n cael eu creu yn yr ardal a chreu ymdeimlad o falchder am y prosiect.
Treuliodd arweinwyr corawl o’r Elusen Aloud ddau ddiwrnod yn Ysgol Harri Tudur yn cynnal gweithdai cyfansoddi caneuon lle bu’r disgyblion yn cyfansoddi eu penillion eu hunain a berfformiwyd ac a ffilmiwyd yn broffesiynol. Ysgrifennwyd y gytgan gan Alex Stacey sy’n aelod o dîm y gantores a’r gyfansoddwraig Amy Wadge. Mae Amy wedi gweithio gyda sêr fel Ed Sheeran, James Blunt ac Ella Henderson ac yn fwy diweddar cyd-ysgrifennodd y gân ‘Space Man’ a ddaeth yn ail yng Nghystadleuaeth Eurovision.
Ar ddiwrnod olaf y prosiect, cyfarfu’r tîm â grwpiau lleol amrywiol, busnesau ac unigolion yn Noc Penfro a ymunodd yn y gân newydd ac ymddangos ar y fideo cerddoriaeth, gan gynnwys gwirfoddolwyr o Gymdeithas Treftadaeth Forol Gorllewin Cymru, Mainstay Marine Solutions a Chyngor Tref Doc Penfro.
Meddai Hollie Phillips, Cynorthwyydd Cyswllt Cymunedol Porthladd Aberdaugleddau: “Mae wedi bod yn anhygoel cydweithio o’r dechrau i’r diwedd. Roeddem yn gallu siarad gyda disgyblion o Ysgol Harri Tudur am brosiect Morol Doc Penfro er mwyn helpu i’w hysbrydoli i ysgrifennu’r geiriau a rhoi gwybodaeth iddyn nhw am y datblygiadau sy’n digwydd yn eu tref. Gobeithio ein bod wedi sbarduno rhywfaint o ddiddordeb yn y mathau o yrfaoedd a allai fod ar gael iddyn nhw ar garreg y drws wrth i ni chwarae ein rhan yn yr ymdrech i gyrraedd targedau Sero Net y wlad, gan greu swyddi gwyrdd lleol ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol.”
Meddai Stephen Wyatt, Cyfarwyddwr Strategaeth a Thechnoleg Newydd Offshore Renewable Energy CatapultL “Mae ORE Catapult yn falch iawn o gael cefnogi Elusen Aloud. Rydym yn ymfalchïo mewn cael gweithio gyda’r genhedlaeth nesaf o wyddonwyr, peirianwyr a cherddorion, ac yn cael ein hysbrydoli gan eu hymrwymiad cyson i fynd i’r afael â newid hinsawdd a chreu dyfodol gwych yn Sir Benfro a thu hwnt.”
Meddai Tom Hill, Rheolwr Cyflawni Prosiect META: “Mae dyfodol ein llwyddiant yn dibynnu ar ysbrydoli’r genhedlaeth nesaf. Mae angen eu sgiliau, eu doniau a’u hangerdd arnom i gyflawni Sero Net. Mae nifer y cyfleoedd a’r gyrfaoedd cyffrous ar gyfer pobl Sir Benfro a Chymru yn enfawr. Gobeithio y bydd y fideo hwn yn sbarduno pobl ifanc ac yn tanio eu diddordeb a’u chwilfrydedd ym maes ynni morol.”
Meddai Matt Hodson, Prif Swyddog Gweithrediadau Celtic Sea Power, “Y genhedlaeth nesaf fydd angen cael gafael ar y sylfeini sy’n cael eu gosod heddiw ac adeiladu arnynt i gyflawni’r pontio o ran ynni a’r her datgarboneiddio, felly mae’n wych gweld eu hangerdd drwy’r gân hyfryd hon. Rydym yn falch iawn o gael gweithio gyda’n partneriaid i ddod o hyd i ffyrdd o godi ymwybyddiaeth o Farina Doc Penfro, gan danio dychymyg y gymuned ac ysbrydoli gweithlu’r dyfodol.”
Yn ogystal â’r cyllid a ddarperir gan bartneriaid prosiect Morol Doc Penfro, derbyniodd y gweithdai ysgrifennu caneuon a’r fideos gefnogaeth gan Celfyddydau a Busnesau Cymru. Mae Sarah Lloyd, Rheolwr Datblygu’r Celfyddydau, wrth ei bodd gyda’r ffordd y mae'r bartneriaeth wedi datblygu, gan ddweud “Mae ein rhaglen fuddsoddi CultureStep wedi’i llunio i gryfhau a datblygu’r berthynas rhwng ein busnes a phartneriaid yn y celfyddydau. Mae’r cydweithio rhwng Porthladd Aberdaugleddau ac Elusen Aloud yn enghraifft ragorol o’r rhaglen hon – mae’n gyfle delfrydol i ymgysylltu â gweithwyr, y gymuned leol, a’r genhedlaeth iau yn Ysgol Harri Tudur, gan roi cyfle iddynt fynegi eu barn ac ysbrydoli newid ar gyfer y dyfodol, tra’n cael gwerthfawrogiad cynyddol o rym y celfyddydau. Yn C&B Cymru rydym ar ben ein digon gyda’r fideo cerddoriaeth, a dylai pawb a gymerodd ran fod yn falch iawn o’r dreftadaeth ddigidol y maen nhw wedi’i chreu.”
Cenhadaeth yr Elusen Aloud yw darparu profiadau newid bywyd drwy ganu ar gyfer pobl ifanc yng Nghymru. Fe’i sefydlwyd yn 2012 i roi’r cyfle i fechgyn heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol o gymunedau ymylol yng Nghymru i ganu, ac mae’r elusen bellach yn hwyluso rhaglenni canu amrywiol, gan gynnwys Only Boys Aloud, Only Kids Aloud ac Aloud Girls. Mae’r sefydliad yn ymgysylltu ag oddeutu 350 o bobl ifanc yr wythnos mewn lleoliadau ymarfer ledled Cymru, gan wella’u hyder, meithrin doniau a chynnig cyfleoedd perfformio cyffrous.
Meddai Craig Yates, Cyfarwyddwr Creadigol yr Elusen Aloud: “Me wedi bod yn braf iawn gweithio gyda phartneriaid Marina Doc Penfro ac Ysgol Harri Tudur i gyflawni’r prosiect ysgrifennu cân unigryw hwn. Credwn ei bod mor bwysig bod pobl ifanc yn cael y cyfle i fynegi eu barn, yn enwedig pan ddaw hi at bynciau mor bwysig â chynaliadwyedd amgylcheddol a sut maen nhw’n effeithio ar eu cymunedau lleol. Rydym yn falch iawn o’r fideo cerddoriaeth terfynol a hoffem ddiolch o galon i bobl Doc Penfro am gymryd rhan yn y prosiect.”
Mae Marina Doc Penfro yn cael ei gyllido gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU drwy Fargen Ddinesig Bae Abertawe, a drwy’r sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat. Mae’n cael ei gyllido’n rhannol gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop drwy Lywodraeth Cymru hefyd.
I wylio’r fideo cerddoriaeth, ynghyd â fideo tu ôl i’r llenni, ewch i
Ffoto 1: Perfformiodd disgyblion o Ysgol Harri Tudur y gân ar ôl iddyn nhw ei hysgrifennu gydag arweiniad Craig Yates o’r Elusen Aloud.
Ffoto 2: Roedd Maer Doc Penfro, y Cynghorydd Pamela George, a Swyddogion Cymorth Cymunedol yr Heddlu wrth eu bodd yn cymryd rhan yn y fideo cerddoriaeth.