The Port of Milford Haven has joined hundreds of other businesses in a global initiative to help the most vulnerable people in our communities to pull through the coronavirus crisis, by signing the C-19 Business Pledge.

The C-19 Business Pledge was established by former UK Cabinet minister, Rt Hon Justine Greening and launched with entrepreneur David Harrison. It is targeting not just the immediate challenges of coronavirus, but also the challenges of recovery.

Employers who sign up to the pledge give their backing to three main objectives built around employees, customers and communities, to help address the immediate challenges of coronavirus, but also to assist with the aftermath.

Justine Greening said: “With the future of many employers hanging in the balance and incredibly tough times unfolding across all sectors, businesses face many incredibly difficult decisions.

“But those organisations who are able to, can have a huge role in battling the impact of coronavirus and make a real difference in these uniquely challenging times.”

Anna Malloy, Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Manager at the Port of Milford Haven, said “We’ve always been passionate about our purpose at the Port, which is to build the Haven’s prosperity and although, because of coronavirus, the challenge to do this is now certainly greater, our commitment to deliver this goal has not subsided.

“The C-19 Business Pledge has a natural fit with our values and culture at the Port. As a Trust Port whose ultimate stakeholders are future generations, we know that by pledging to protect our own business and staff, and to support our customers and the wider community, we will succeed in playing our part to deliver a more prosperous tomorrow for the people of Pembrokeshire.

“Our community support has so far focused on supporting the most vulnerable, with donations made towards the production of face shields as well as to the Paul Sartori Foundation and rent-free periods for tenants with charitable status. Our staff volunteering programme has also released our employees during the working day to deliver vital food parcels to families across Pembrokeshire.”

“Our customers have also been supported including those in the tourism sector upon which Pembrokeshire relies heavily.

“Our staff have been supported throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Many have been assisted to work from home, and numerous safety measures have been implemented in the workplace for our front-line key workers.” For more on the C-19 Business Pledge visit


Photo 1: The Paul Sartori Foundation has received support from the Port during the coronavirus epidemic

Photo 2: Port employees are being supported to work from home where possible

Notes to Editors

About the C-19 Business Pledge

Founded by former cabinet minister, Rt Hon. Justine Greening, and entrepreneur David Harrison, the C-19 Business Pledge aims to harness the power of business as a force for good in tackling the Coronavirus epidemic.

We understand many businesses will be working hard to ensure they are able to continue in this turbulent time. We acknowledge that this will involve difficult decisions.

But for those that can, we are asking them to help in the international effort with their employees, customers and communities. By mobilising that collective effort, we can support those most in need through this crisis.

Our purpose:

To encourage UK businesses and universities to be a force for good by making a commitment to doing what they can to tackle Coronavirus (COVID-19).

These objectives are not only about helping to get through the immediate challenges of Coronavirus, they are also about the recovery. Business has a crucial role to play in helping to rebuild over the medium to long term.

There are three ways that we believe businesses can have an immediate and long-lasting impact:

1) Employees

Businesses can join the international effort by developing Action Plans to support their own staff throughout and beyond this challenging time. For example, this could include practical support and advice on financial security, mental health, personal wellbeing as well as reintegration back into work for those who have experienced an extended period away from the workplace. For example Severn Trent Water have put clear action plans in place to protect their staff when making home visits and are prioritising vulnerable customers.

More immediately, it should include disseminating the latest official COVID-19 health advice.

2) Customers

Businesses can join the international effort by publishing clear and simple advice for customers. Where possible they should have specialist teams dedicated to supporting customers if they are having problems, such as those facing repayment difficulties and vulnerable customers, as RBS has done.

This could include prioritising those customers who are isolated and vulnerable, ensuring they do not become disconnected and can easily access services, for example through priority helplines and dedicated support. Others may wish to consider waiving some fees for customers and suppliers who may experience financial difficulties as a result of the Coronavirus.

3) Community

Businesses can join the international effort by committing to help communities through the Coronavirus epidemic. Over the coming months we are likely to see a sharp increase in isolation, loneliness, mental health and household financial issues in our communities across the country. There will be an increased need for communities to come together with practical support, such as food deliveries, collections and financial assistance for organisations that specialise in supporting vulnerable people.

The way businesses work is changing. So too will their relationship with the communities they serve, bringing greater emphasis on grassroots community action.

This could also include support for community projects where they operate, as UK wealth management firm True Potential, based in the North East of England, is doing by providing assistance to local hospices and charities that support the

elderly and vulnerable.

The C-19 Business Pledge is driven by the Social Mobility Pledge - a campaign for businesses to be a force for good by delivering a level playing field on opportunity and boosting social mobility in the UK. The Social Mobility Pledge is a growing coalition of over 500 organisations; 450 businesses employing almost 4 million people across the UK, as well as over 50 UK universities representing over 1 million students.
