Anna Malloy, PR & Communications Manager at the Port of Milford Haven (left), is shown the new reception area by staff member Judith Williams (right)Visitors to the Paul Sartori Foundation’s new Haverfordwest premises will receive a warm welcome at a new reception area with thanks to the Port of Milford Haven and the Wolfson Foundation.

A successful application to the Port’s Community Fund, combined with an award of £90,000 from the Wolfson Foundation, has helped fund the refurbishment of the charity’s head office main reception and separate counselling and complementary reception areas at Winch Lane. 

“This joint funding enabled the charity to purchase reception furniture that will really benefit visitors to our new Head Office and help ensure they are welcomed into a comfortable, professional environment,” said  Judith Williams, Funding & Projects Coordinator from Paul Sartori Hospice at Home.

Celebrating their 35th anniversary this year - the Paul Sartori Foundation offers specialised, supportive care and advice for those in the later stages of any life-limiting illness and is the Port’s employee-voted Charitable Cause of the Year for 2017.  The new facilities will ensure continued support to the charity’s visitors and those who need help.

Anna Malloy, PR & Communications Manager at the Port said “The new premises at Winch Lane provide a warm and comforting environment for visitors to Paul Sartori, many of whom will be suffering from illness or grieving the loss of a loved one.  We are therefore very pleased to have been able to support them through our Community Fund”.

For more information on the Paul Sartori Foundation please visit their website


Photo: Anna Malloy, PR & Communications Manager at the Port of Milford Haven (left), is shown the new reception area by staff member Judith Williams (right).



Notes to Editors

Port of Milford Haven

The Port of Milford Haven is the UK’s top energy port and Wales’ busiest port handling around 20% of Britain’s seaborne trade in oil and gas.  It is widely recognised in the industry as the energy capital of the UK.

The Port, along with the cluster of energy-related businesses along the Waterway, is a key driver of economic activity in Pembrokeshire, attracting inward investment and supporting over 4,000 jobs.

The Port of Milford Haven also owns and operates Pembroke Port and Milford Dock.  Activities such as cargo handling, ferry operations, fish landing and cruise calls as well as a first class marina are spread across these two sites.

One of the most prominent on the West Coast, the Port is in the heart of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, the only Coastal National Park in Great Britain. It is marked as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and has many areas designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

The Port of Milford Haven is a trust port – an independent, commercially run organisation that has statutory responsibilities governed by its Acts, to maintain and improve navigation and the provision of Port and Harbour services and facilities.  Additionally, the Port provides significant financial and in-kind support to a wide variety of local causes.  All profits are retained within the business to fund these objectives.

For further information, visit or contact:
Anna Malloy
Port of Milford Haven
01646 696100

The Wolfson Foundation
The Wolfson Foundation ( is an independent grant-making charity that aims to promote the civic health of society by supporting excellence in health, science, education, and the arts & humanities. Since 1955, over £800 million (£1.7 billion in real terms) has been awarded to more than 10,000 projects across the UK, all on the basis of expert peer review.