Statement issued at 1630, 9th November, 2018

Andy Jones, Interim Chief Executive at the Port of Milford Haven, said:

“Firstly, our thoughts are with our neighbouring residents and businesses today as they deal with the devastating effects of significant flooding following the sustained bouts of extraordinary rainfall coupled with high tides. 

Since yesterday, our staff have been working collaboratively with multiple agencies, including the emergency services, to do everything possible to minimise the flooding impact.

Our staff have been on site throughout and we can confirm that the water continues to flow freely through the culverts which carry water from Hubberston and Goose Pills into Milford Docks. This is a system which we monitor and maintain on a regular basis.

With regards to water levels in the dock itself, we are rapidly sluicing water out as soon as the tide allows. Additionally, the emergency services have installed pumps to take water directly from flooded areas into the dock.  

It is important to note that lock gates are not able to resist the force of the incoming tide. We have no choice but to let the water flow into the dock as the tide comes in and close the lock gates at high tide.

We will continue to work in collaboration with the emergency services as the situation develops. Further weather and flooding updates can be found on Pembrokeshire County Council’s website and social media channels.”